As the school year 2023 is coming to the end, we began preparing for our first exciting graduation 🎓 ceremony for the top class(K3 class) students/pupils who have completed nursery level of education/kindergarten and will begin primary level of education next year. Teaching staff have been working really hard to prepare these kids for the big day. On this occasion; parents, community members, church and political leaders are invited to witness/grace the event. As children will be awarded certificate of completion, gifts offered to the students for their good performance.
With this program so much is required for it to be successful as we expect to host 350 guest on that day. We need to hire tents, chairs, public address system, catering service, children gifts and other expenses.
HAM Ministry Uganda together with the staff of Living Hope Christian Academy together with the parents are working together to make this day a success. However we are still having shortage in resources.
We intend to use this platform to share good news of the gospel with the community. The theme of the sermon for the day is "Christ centered education".
The entire program is expected to cost 1,300 USD.
Your earnest prayer, financial support and involvement will enable us to successfully have the graduation ceremony through which we are hoping to preach the gospel to over 350 people, offer gifts to our beloved children and teaching staff.
We are so grateful for your generosity which makes all we do possible. We are forever thankful.
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