Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered program that helps us deal with life's " hurts, habits and hang-ups". This includes struggle with anger, sex, relationship, drugs, alcohol, gambling, family dysfunction, finances, porn, effect of past abuse and many more.
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to find God's healing power in our lives through the eight recovery principle found in the beatitudes and the Christ- centered twelve steps.
We become free from the pain of our past, destructive behavior of our present thus grow spiritually by working the Christ- centered steps and applying their biblical truth.
People both in churches and communities within and around Kitgum are deeply hurting as the result of broken homes, past trauma, sexual addiction, gambling addiction and much more yet no recovery programs are at their reach at the moment. To deal with this challenge, the need for Christ centered recovery program was born on September 2022. Establishing celebrate Recovery ministry at HAM MINISTRY UGANDA began with training potential T.E.A.M leaders. Having significant impacts in the lives of hurting children,youths and adults begins with equipping leaders who would eventually reach out to the lost souls, leading by example thus leaders after completing the training would go through the step study.
We believe that through celebrate Recovery large group meeting, step study, people going through hurts, habits and hang-ups would come to the knowledge of Christ saving power and enter into a loving relationship with Jesus, that's our ultimate goal!
Currently, Shawn Grischkowsky and Sam Grischkowsky are training the leaders through Zoom meeting every Saturday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm East African Time.

Join us in reaching out to the hurting souls in Uganda Africa through a Christ centered recovery program.
Your donation, partnership, prayer and involvement through volunteering helps us effectively continue training T.E.A.M leaders, provide training resources and reach out to many more souls desperately in need of being freed from the chain of addiction, hurts and hang-ups.
Want to get involved through volunteering, donation, partnership or prayer?
Contact us in the link below